Yearly Archives: 2012

In Elul a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love‏

As I compose this quarterly message about my rabbi-ing adventures, we’ve left the month of Elul far behind. The rabbis have traditionally encouraged self-examination and reflection starting on Rosh Hodesh Elul. I intensified my focus on High Holidays by leading

Posted in Rabbi Jack's Quarterly

A Day of Mourning – a Path Toward Happiness

Dear Friends: Today marks the saddest day on the traditional Jewish calendar, the observance of Tisha B’Av.  This 25-hour fast is as difficult to observe as Yom Kippur (maybe even more difficult because it occurs when temperatures are higher and

Posted in Rabbi Jack's Quarterly

Countdown to Blintzes

Dear Friends: We just passed the halfway point in the Omer, our annual countdown to Shavuot and the anniversary of receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai, and I feel grateful as I count all the wonderful and diverse rabbinic opportunities

Posted in Rabbi Jack's Quarterly

Are Groundhogs Kosher?

Dear Friends: My last three rabbinic months have been busy but generally joyous, and I write this latest installment of roughly quarterly missives to you before the crunch of Purim and Passover. “Generally” but not exclusively joyous – the shortest

Posted in Rabbi Jack's Quarterly